"Climate change - new regulations to prevent methane leakages in the energy sector." is the title of an initiative that is currently at the stage of broad public consultation, and as a result is expected to lead the European Commission to develop an EU strategy to prevent methane leakages in the energy sector.
It is based on the "Strategy for the reduction of methane emissions in the European Union" announced on October 14, 2020. This strategy sets out a set of actions that are expected to lead to significant reductions in methane emissions in the energy, agriculture and waste management sectors at EU and international level. In 2021, the Commission announces that it will present legislative proposals on:
- Mandatory Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) at company level for all energy-related methane emissions, based on the Partnership for Oil and Gas (OGMP 2.0) methodology,
- An obligation to improve leak detection and repair (LDAR) across all fossil gas infrastructure.
In line with the Communication, the Commission will consider legislation on eliminating routine venting and flaring in the energy sector covering the full supply chain, up to the point of production.
The period for submitting opinions on the Action Plan in this area lasted from December 22 to January 26. Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. also sent her position on the matter.
Currently, public consultations are ongoing until May 1, 2021.