On 06-09.09.2022, representatives of JSW.S.A. took part in the International Fair of Mining, Power Industry and Metallurgy EXPO Katowice.
07.09.2022 at the conference "Methane from hard coal mines - current state and challenges" Tomasz Cudny - president of JSW S.A. announced the start of new methane emission reduction programs. REM and MASTERMINE projects received EU grants respectively in the amount of 11 million EUR (REM) from the European Research Fund for Coal and Steel and 900,000 EUR (MASTERMINE) from the research fund Horizon Europe.
The European Research Fund for Coal and Steel gave the highest score to the project REM submitted by a consortium of companies: GIG, INiG-PIB, JSW. S.A., PIG-PIB, UNIOVI (Universidad de Oviedo), INSEMEX (Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvolare Pentru Securitate Minierasi Protectie Antiexploziva Insemex Petrosani). Its innovation and importance for environmental protection was appreciated. The grant of 11 million EUR is the largest one-off EU subsidy to go to the Polish mining industry so far.